Fire Command Center

Elevator-Fire Command Center
The fire command center is the heart of the fire and life-safety systems in a complex building. The purpose of the command center is to provide a central location where fire personnel can operate during a fire incident or other emergency. Located as determined by the fire department, the fire command center shall be isolated from the remainder of the building.
QUADRA has developed and implemented the solution for which is suitable for all Brand . Based on the Customer requirements the Solution are customized. Please Contact us with Your Requirements


Elevators are available almost in every building, Elevator Maintaince Companies does need  The remote monitoring solution for the Elevator need a reliable , Low Taken over Cost solution to report the fault.

Quadra had developed the solution which does only send the fault and alarm status but also allow to call the designated Phone number and report the message on audio call to Civil Defense system or Safety Departments. Such solution are mandatory for the isolated Elevator such as of the Foot Bridges , or for Schools etc

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